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Junior Physical Activity Service (PARS) – Manchester

Junior Physical Activity Service

Welcome to the Junior PARS Service. This service is a 10 week social prescribing programme for 5-17 year olds who are overweight or obese (above 91st centile). The service is commissioned by Manchester City Council and works with young people to assess their current lifestyle and activity habits and connects them to the local neighbourhood offer working with key local organisations.

Junior PARS uses motivational interviewing to support behaviour change with a key focus on a "whole family" approach to reducing sedentary behaviour and improving healthy lifestyle choices.

Before referring, please check the child meets the inclusion criteria and does not meet any of the exclusion criteria for the service.

Inclusion Criteria
  • Aged 5-17yrs.
  • BMI > 91st Centile.
  • Resident in Manchester Postcode or registered with GP in Manchester area.
Exclusion Criteria
  • Must not currently be active to recommended levels.
  • Has chronic condition that requires rehabilitation.

Fields marked with an * are required fields.

Referrer Details

Registered GP of young person

Does the child or young person currently have a child protection plan / child in need plan? *

Young Persons' Details

If you are unsure of the child's measurement, please use this website to calculate this prior to referral: BMI healthy weight calculator
If the BMI is calculated as below the 91st Centile, the child will not be eligible for the Junior Physical Activity Service.

Medical conditions (tick all that apply)


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