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Medway & Swale Tier 3 Child Weight Management Service

Tier 2 service (SWALE ONLY): Our Tier 2 service offers a 10-week intensive programme followed by 12-month maintenance support to families requiring healthy lifestyle support. Sessions cover topics such as sleep, healthy eating, sugar in drinks, and physical activity. Parents/carers are required to attend, and siblings are also welcome. Height and weight measurements are taken each week and again at 6 and 12 months, during the maintenance phase of the programme.

Tier 3 service (MEDWAY & SWALE): Our specialised Tier 3 service offers 12-week intensive support followed by a period of maintenance support, running up to 12-months from service entry point. Our multi-disciplinary Tier 3 team includes a Dietician, Physical Activity specialist, Family Therapist, Specialist Nurse, and specialised Practitioners. Sessions are delivered in group settings, face-to-face, or via a virtual platform. 1:1 delivery will also be considered upon assessment, if required. Our Tier 3 curriculum looks to encourage long term sustainable behaviour change through promoting healthy eating, physical activity and recognising the psychological barriers to unhealthy relationships with food.